Media Justice Comes in Many Forms

And we need all of them to make sure every voice is heard
Acheiving media justice means fighting for equality in many different forums. From low power fm radiom, to teaching digital media literacy, to net neutrality, to accessibility.

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Letter to the Congressional Oversight Committee

March 16, 2015 Rep. Jason Chaffetz Chair of the House Oversight & Gov’t Reform 2157 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Rep. Elijah Cummings Ranking Member of theHouse Oversight & Gov’t Reform 2157 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Dear Chairman Chaffetz and Ranking Member Cummings: As racial justice and civil rights organizations, we write to express our […]


As Jail Visits Go High-Tech, Isolation Grows

The following is an excerpt from NBC News. Twice a week, Ashika Coleman-Carter drives out to the Travis County Correctional Complex, in Texas, to visit her husband. But when she sits down to say hello, she doesn’t look at him through the traditional shatter-proof glass. Instead, she sees Keith’s face on a video screen. “It […]

A page from the Facebook website is seen in Singapore

Balancing the Harms and Benefits of Electronic Prisoner Communication

The following is an excerpt from Equal Future. In South Carolina, inmates face up to two years in solitary confinement for making just one post to Facebook. It’s one stark frontier in an ongoing battle over the pros and cons of cell phone and internet access in prisons. Many inmates are prohibited from using cell […]

Facebook Inmate Takedown

Hundreds of South Carolina Inmates Sent to Solitary Confinement Over Facebook

The following is an except from EFF’s Deeplinks Blog. In the South Carolina prison system, accessing Facebook is an offense on par with murder, rape, rioting, escape and hostage-taking. Back in 2012, the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) made “Creating and/or Assisting With A Social Networking Site” a Level 1 offense [PDF], a category […]